This better not be a penny machine. I’m too valuable!
Gnarly, take 2.
I took a bunch of photos today to use for… something. And no matter what I did, it just looked like crap in my eyes. So I scrapped them all. Instead, you’re getting a cleaned-up repost from the Yondu on Terra era. April 13, 2019, to be exact.
Bacon! Yeah, a sleepover sounds nice.
Awwwww… good boys!
Sorry, folks. Nothing I was shooting today was turning out so I’m giving you a repost from August 29, 2019. Pre-this-account, so don’t try to find it here. Also mourning the turnover of my old domain today, yonduonterra.com, which I decided to nix after that IG account was hacked and I started takemoretoyphotos.com in its place.