Thrill of the hunt.
Feels good to be back!
“Monster”… it’s such a subjective term.
“Monster”… it’s such a subjective term. For many, the monster is the aberration; the thing that doesn’t belong. For others, it’s the creator of this anomaly. Monster can also define those who choose to not accept the creature and shun it, often by force. These photographers leave that decision up to you as they present their own interpretation of this nebulous word.
Well, hello there!
Happy Halloween!
He’s REAL!!
Just for kicks, I decided to re-create the infamous Bigfoot photo with Sam from Trick ‘r Treat. But I also didn’t want to get too blurry so I noised it up instead. It’s not bad. I like it.
A Week of Victims, Day 5: Jack Goodman
A Week of Victims, Day 4: Sam
A Week of Victims, Day 3: Fang
As my blade tears clean through,
He screams, howls, and hollers.
All that sheer agony
Is worth more than two dollars.
(A reference to how much I paid for Fang at Target. Remember?)